When I was a kid, the one thing that got us enthusiastic about new toys or products was it’s primary form of advertising, the television. Then there was always wanting what your friends had!
Since most of our days were at school and our weekends were outdoors, the only time we spent watching television was on the weekend where we would sit with our sugary bowls of our favorite cereals (some of which are Were Our Favorite, NOW, Discontinued Cereals) on the floor in front of the television (like right in front of the television, watching Saturday morning cartoons. We all grew up with Looney Toons cartoons.
From Bugs Bunny….
Cartoons and toys were always synonymous with each other!
To The Amazing Characters Of Hanna Barbera, including one of our favorite family’s, The Flintstones…
And, on Sundays, it was all about Davey & Goliath! And Sunday Nights was all about The Wonderful World Of Disney. But I will say, the cartoons were the driving force in building our toy chests collections. Do you remember these commercials during your tv time?
Coming across these television commercials, I was immediately transported back in time to the days of sleepover dates and games. The great moments of our childhood.
Can You Find The 5 Differences In The Picture Below?
Remember the days before remotes? When we were the remotes? When there was one television in the house and fighting to watch our favorite shows was par for the sibling rivalry course. When we had to juggle between channels to see all our favorites from Scooby Doo, Bugs Bunny, The Super Friends, Magilla Gorilla, Grape Ape, American Bandstand, Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids, H.R. Pufnstuf to name a few.
And more commercials…
But some of the most memorable jingles include:
Our interactive games were Creepy Crawlers made with the Plastigoop, Dip A Flower, Spin Art and Play Doh. We would bake, more like burn, cakes in our Easy Bake Ovens and draw over and over and over again on our red Etch-A-Sketch’s. I could play with my Etch-A-Sketch All Day!
And of course, the Slinky!…
I hope you enjoyed the trip down television’s toy and game commercial memory lane. Please post your memories, thoughts and feelings in the comments section below!
And check out:
for more amazing, nostalgic memories!