Since the spread of the coronavirus, places like Costco have become highly desirable. They offer a chance to stock up on a lot of useful products at once, and though it requires a shopping trip, the results usually allow people to stay in for awhile. When shoppers do visit Costco, however, soon they shall have to wear face masks.
Starting on Monday, May 4, everyone in Costco warehouses must wear face masks. This includes guests, members, and employees, according to KEPR. Evidence comes from signs printed and posted in some warehouses and from the chain’s website. The site also lists some specific exceptions to be mindful of.
Everyone entering a Costco warehouse must wear a face mask
“Effective 5/4/20 All Members, Guests, And Employees Must Wear Face Coverings,” the sign reads. KEPR shared pictures of the most upfront way people have learned of this impending policy: notices printed at warehouses. The notice further informs, “Members without face coverings Will not be permitted inside the Warehouse We Appreciate your cooperation.”
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Those who visit the Costco website will see further specifications about its new face mask policy. The website states, “To protect our members and employees, effective May 4, all Costco members and guests must wear a mask or face covering that covers the mouth and nose at all times while at Costco. This requirement does not apply to children under the age of 2 or to individuals who are unable to wear a mask or face covering due to a medical condition.”
Costco and the Coronavirus
While different countries and states become new epicenters of COVID-19, Costcos have gotten all sorts of increased attention from the pandemic. When people rush out to stock up on goods while they’re still available, long lines trail out of the warehouses. For all the crowding outside, shelves can be totally empty inside. Testimony provided for BoredPanda indicates that shelves full of meat one day can be wiped clean the next.
Additionally, advocates and employees alike monitor staff treatment under these new stressful conditions. Employees can expose themselves to brutal hours on a tight shift. They also may put their health at risk, as BuzzFeed reports. Outlets, and the people who help them operate, face a precarious balance. Hopefully, policies like Costco’s face mask rule can keep everyone safe. The CDC recommends everyone wear a face covering, whether they’re going to Costco or any other place, to ensure everyone’s health. Certain masks and materials are more recommended than others, but the internet is now full of tutorials to make your own in a pinch, as well as guides explaining all this. Watch one below.