Vitiligo is a skin condition that affects nearly 3 million Brazilians. It consists of the loss of skin color in certain areas on their bodies. While there are tons of different treatments to combat the condition, the worst part is dealing with judgment from other people. Many kids have self-esteem issues because they feel they look different than other kids.
One grandfather by the name of Mr. João has vitiligo himself. He decides to take his skills of crocheting and knitting to make dolls that look the same as those children struggling to accept themselves as a result of the condition.
João’s experience with vitiligo and his dolls
João Stanganelli, who is now 64 years old, began showing signs of vitiligo when he was 38. He had been working in the gastronomy industry, but his life took a much different turn when he came down with a heart problem. That’s when João decides to pick up a hobby to keep his mind healthy and active. He would start crocheting and knitting with his wife Marilena.
While he says crocheting is definitely a hard skill that he contemplated giving up, he continued on. Within 5 days, he made his first doll. He said his original idea was to make dolls for his granddaughter. From there, he would start knitting dolls with vitiligo.
He takes on new avenues of crocheting dolls with other disabilities
After the vitiligo dolls were born, João decides to get even more inclusive by crocheting dolls in a wheelchair. They were also a huge success and it made his work a lot more rewarding. He has done many interviews about his work and he always has the same message: “The spots I have are beautiful. What hurts me are the flaws in people’s characters.”
It’s the sole fact that someone owns and appreciates his work that inspires him to continue doing what he does.
What a beautiful way to inspire kids to love themselves a little more!
Ready for another heartwarming story? One artist repurposes old car tires into comfy beds for stray animals.