7. Barry was the most loved on the show
Often, many fans, especially female, waited outside to meet Barry outside the Storage Wars‘ set. Similarly, he received lots of letters and gifts in the mail.
8. Laura and Dan made a great bid
While they are usually the auctioneers, they sometimes make a bid themselves. One time the Dotsons purchased a unit for $1,000. The unit contained old coins and made them $500,000.
9. Dave tried to get the rights to his catchphrase ‘yuuup!’
While Dave tried to get the rights to the word ‘yup’, but he wasn’t the only one! For instance, R&B singer Trey Songz also tried to get the rights to the word. The judge denied both of them.
10. Jarrod was once in jail
Longtime cast member Jarrod was in jail in 2000. After Jarrod was released, he turned his life around with the help of his aunt who owned a storage unit. In addition, he became interested in the trade and eventually opened his own thrift store with finds from his units.
11. Barry’s godson is Jesse James
Jesse has been seen on the show Monster Garage and was previously married to Sandra Bullock.
In conclusion, which fact was the most interesting to you?
You won’t believe this storage unit sold for $500 ended up being worth $7.5 million!