When Cynthia and Robert Peterson discovered that their beloved golden retriever, Finn had cancer, they knew what they had to do. Finn had terminal cancer and didn’t have much time left. Instead of feeling sorry for themselves, they decided to give Finn the best end of his life possible. They created an amazing bucket list for the pup!
The couple decided to create a bucket list of 50 items that Finn could do before he ultimately passed away. They ended up completing 49 of the 50 items before Finn passed away last November. Now, they are asking for help with the final task on the bucket list. Cynthia and Robert are writing a children’s book about Finn’s life and his bucket list.
What else did Finn complete on his bucket list?
He went on a hot air balloon ride, went apple picking, toured a local fire station, went on television, rode in a cop car, ate steak, and so much more! The couple also has another dog named Yogi, who got to complete many of the items on the bucket list with Finn.
Cynthia said that it was so much fun to create the bucket list. They created so many memories together as a family.
According to their GoFundMe page, which as currently raised almost $8,500 at time of publishing, “Finn, the golden retriever, has almost finished his bucket list, but he needs your help with his biggest and most challenging bucket list goal yet – to write a children’s book about his story! (Bucket List #50).”
They continue, “The goal of this book is to tell Finn’s story of courage and adventure to a younger audience with this children’s book. Finn’s family wants to commemorate Finn with this children’s book to raise awareness for pet cancer and create it as a resource for children and families confronting pet loss or pet cancer in their lives. With your support for this book project, Finn’s bucket list adventures can live on for generations to come and can continue to inspire families everywhere.”
Donations they receive from GoFundMe will go towards the costs of creating the book and making it a reality. Any excess funds will be donated to the National Canine Cancer Foundation, the Live Like Roo Foundation, and Emma’s Foundation for Canine Cancer.
They hope to help other dogs with cancer, like Finn.
What do you think about creating a bucket list for a terminally ill dog? Are you interested in the book they are writing about Finn’s adventures?
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