Believe it or not, the original My Little Pony and those beloved Cabbage Patch Kids came into this world over 35 years ago! These are the childhood toys that are actually worth money today! Furbies just celebrated their 20th birthday! Feeling old yet? Well, hold onto your beanie babies, this is going to be a wild ride into your past.
Whether you collected state of the art gadgets or cuddly bears, take a look at these nostalgic dolls and doodads and find out how rich you’d be if you still had them. If you’re lucky, some of these childhood toys will still be boxed up somewhere in your house. Heck, some of these are enough to pay off that mortgage! Or at least cover a couple runs to Whole Foods.
1. Teddy Ruxbin
2. Lite-Brite
3. Beanie Babies
Wahaha! You knew these bad boys would be worth something someday, didn’t you? Well, no, not yours, those are trash. But apparently this first edition Princess Diana baby is worth $475,000. Who needs a home when you have this lil’ guy to keep you warm?
4. American Girl Dolls
5. Pez Dispensers
6. Barbie
7. Furby
8. Cabbage Patch Kids
9. Strawberry Shortcake Dolls
Meet Mint Tulip—she is in her original packaging and is selling for nearly $1,000.
10. Original My Little Ponies
11. Care Bears
Tell me you don’t want in on this love fest—and it’s at your fingertips for a mere $5,000. Or splurge on a bigger collection that costs $7,995.