During the most prolific years of sitcom production, many programs seemed ripe for crossover events. But for many, there was no way to make this happen. So, for how well The Simpsons and Married… with Children would probably synergize, no one got to know for sure – until now, thanks to AI.
Although Married… with Children ended in 1997 and The Simpsons is ongoing 34 seasons strong, both are equally considered icons in the genre. Both bask in satirizing family life and the human condition alike and many aspects of each show – from Al Bundy’s cynicism to The Simpsons’ animation style. Both, now, can be united in a slightly unholy union that takes the viewers right to the uncanny valley.
AI brings together ‘The Simpsons’ and ‘Married… with Children’
Over on Instagram, user schrodingersfilmclub kicked off July by sharing a video. The account’s biography is titled AI Photography by Schrödinger’s Film Club. True to form, the video shared by the account features a reimagining of the Married… with Children introduction sequence with the main characters morphed into live-action hybrids of the Simpsons family.
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The results are both true to the style of The Simpsons and keep the original live-action models as recognizable bases. But the style also accounts for the unnatural proportions of the Simpsons family, which means those live-action people have some stretched, shrunk, strangely colored, and stilted features.
The start of a new era
The Venn diagram between The Simpsons and Married… with Children could be called a circle. Both started in ’87 and brought buckets of satire and a particular brand of humor to television screens. At first, The Simpsons started as a series of shorts on The Tracey Ullman Show. Three seasons later, The Simpsons earned a timeslot of their own. Inspired by series creator Matt Groening’s own family, the Simpson family went on to establish America’s longest-running sitcom and animated series.
Running at 259 episodes across 11 seasons, Married… with Children similarly became one of the longest-running sitcoms in American television history. The magic may continue in a format not too dissimilar from The Simpsons, since as of May 2022 an animated revival is in the works that will reunite much of the cast.
In the meantime, check out the uncanny crossover below!
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