A Texas restaurant shared a cheeky sign on their front door for those who don’t want to mask up. As coronavirus cases begin to rise once again, restaurants are beginning to mandate masks again when not seated in their establishments, regardless of vaccination status. Texas restaurant Ellen’s took things a step further with their sign.
“Here we go again,” the sign says in big letters at the top. “Masks are required except while seated at your table. Just in case you feel angry and want to call us names, we have prepared the following responses in advance.”
This bold and cheeky sign says it all
The sign continues on with responses to patrons who decide to call the restaurant staff things like “sheeple” or “communist.” The sign concludes, “Oh, and please don’t assume we will go bankrupt because of this. We survived death threats from NRA wack-jobs, so we should be OK not serving you meatloaf today.”
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Ellen’s co-founder and CEO Joe Groves also spoke to TODAY Food about this extra step of safety… and signage. “We know what we endured last year when we did this, so we’re just going to preemptively strike and say, ‘This is what you call us and this is our response,'” he says.
Staff are taking the brunt of angry patrons
“We’re in crisis mode again,” Groves continues. “They’re comparing it to the way it was in the winter. And it’s just silly — there’s a way to prevent this. We don’t want to shut down again and we don’t want to go through what we did last spring, so we’ve got to do something.”
As establishments begin to mandate masks once again, staff are taking the brunt of it, as many patrons are refusing to tip or engaging in arguments with the staff. “We had a lady write a note to one of our bartenders saying the reason that she wasn’t tipping is because her face diaper has clouded her judgment and that this is the reason that he will always be a servant to people like her, because he’s a sheep,” Groves said. “And it’s just … why? Why? What in the world makes you think that that’s OK to do?”
Protecting each other
Groves adds that while most people have been pleased or at least OK with the reinstating of masks, they’ve definitely been dealing with their fair share of those who don’t agree. “We’re a good restaurant, for one thing, but people also appreciate that we care about them,” he said. “And that we’re not just going to roll over.”
Groves also makes it a point to note that “we’re all angry” about COVID cases rising and the need for masks once again. “We’re just as angry on this side about protecting one another. And it’s about time that those of us who care about one another express that anger — and I’m doing it. I’m tired of saying, ‘Aw, well, everyone has the right to their opinion.’ No, you don’t! You’re affecting everyone.”