‘The Graduate’ (1967)
This film was one of the most popular in the decade. Dustin Hoffman stars as a college graduate who doesn’t know what he wants to do with his life. It focuses on his romantic relationships as he sleeps with an older woman but falls in love with her daughter!
‘Yellow Submarine’ (1968)
If you love The Beatles, you need to rewatch Yellow Submarine! It is certainly a groovy movie filled with Beatles’ music.
‘Alice’s Restaurant’ (1969)
The movie was based on the song by Arlo Guthrie. It follows a college drop-out trying to avoid the draft. It was very reminiscent of that time and hippie culture.
‘Psycho’ (1960)
If you’re in the mood for a scary movie, Psycho is perfect. It is a classic Alfred Hitchcock movie that is just as frightening today. Plus, there are plenty of sequels and remakes, including a recent series if you can’t get enough.
‘The Sound of Music’ (1965)
If you prefer musicals, why not watch one of the most famous musicals of all time? Join Julie Andrews and the Von Trapp children as they sing in the beautiful countryside.
What’s your favorite movie from the 1960s?