Stretch Armstrong
He was an action figure that you could keep stretching and stretching. The first ones were made with gelled corn syrup. They looked like a muscular man with blonde hair and black trunks. Did you ever break one of these? It was a mess!
‘Star Wars’ toys
After the movie became insanely popular, of course, action figures followed. At first, certificates were sold that were redeemable for the figures. At the tail end of the ’70s, more and more action figures came out and they were easier to get.
Based on comic books, Micronauts were action figures that are reminiscent of today’s Transformers. How many of these did you own?
The memorization game had been around for quite some time, but the design improved in the ’70s.
Rubik’s Cube
If you were older in the ’70s, you probably tried your hand at a difficult Rubik’s Cube. Have you ever solved one?
Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em Robots
This is one toy from the ’70s that has truly never been updated. It is basically a small boxing match with robots. I’ve seen a giant version at Dave & Busters that is just as fun.
Baby Alive Doll
Many young girls in the ’70s wanted a baby doll. This one ate food, vomited, and pooped. Come to think of it… it was pretty gross. Did you have one of these or know someone who did?
If you want even more nostalgia, watch the video about 1970s toys below: