Actor Wilford Brimley, best known for his roles in The China Syndrome, The Thing, The Natural, and Quaker Oats commercials, had a little fun during the Super Bowl. While watching, he realized that he has an uncanny resemblance to Kansas City Chiefs coach Andy Reid.
Wilford tweeted a photo of the coach and joked, “Supposedly I’m coaching this evening.” They do look very much alike as they are both bald, have grey mustaches, and wear similar glasses. While Wilford was tweeting, he was very surprised that some of the younger generations knew who he was!
Wilford Brimley had some fun on Twitter during the Super Bowl
At the time of posting, his tweet has been retweeted over 4,000 times. One young person named Ellie tweeted, “Serious question is the chiefs coach the ‘diabeetus’ guy?” Wilford also used to appear in Liberty Mutual commercials, and pronounced diabetes like ‘diabeetus.’
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Wilford retweeted Ellie’s question and answered, “Ellie, no. I am the ‘diabeetus’ guy.” Someone else tweeted that they were shocked young Ellie knew the ‘diabeetus’ joke and loved that Wilford replied to her. Wilford replied and said, “Sir, I’m shocked this generation still knows who I am.”
Wilford’s last acting credit was in 2017, but according to IMDb, he does have something in pre-production. It would be nice to see this nostalgic actor on television or the big screen again!