Did you know that talk show host Kelly Ripa is a ballet-trained dancer? She sure is! In fact, her first television credit was on the show Dance Party USA in 1986. While she has come a long way since then, she is looking to go back to her roots a little bit. She recently posted a photo and invited fans to join her in trying to break a Guinness World Record.
On September 10th, 2019, Kelly hopes to break a record on her talk show with Ryan Seacrest. She wants to break the record for the most ballet dancers en pointe simultaneously. En pointe is when ballet dancers stay on their toes in ballet slippers. Kelly recently posted a photo of herself en pointe in ballet slippers. She looks incredibly strong in the photo!
Kelly staying en pointe
She captioned the photo, “Practice makes……um…….something? Join #kellyandryan #guinessworldrecord attempt-most #balletdancers #enpointe simultaneously” Man fans and celebrities alike were very impressed with her pose. Even some ballet dance teachers commented and said how impressed they were!
Kelly is trying to reach out to any ballet dancers who can stay en pointe for a full minute. She is asking that they report to the outside of the talk show’s studio in New York City on September 10th in the morning. We can’t wait to see how many ballerinas show up. Do you think she will break the Guinness World Record?
Live! With Kelly and Ryan posted this on their website, “Can you dance en pointe? Are you able to come to NYC the morning of Tuesday, September 10th? Want to be part of Live with Kelly and Ryan‘s Guinness World Record attempt? If you answered yes to all three questions, this is for you!”
“Joining us will be renowned American Ballet Theatre principal dancers Isabella Boylston and James Whiteside. Take part in what’s sure to be an incredible morning as we attempt to break the Guinness World Record for Most Ballet Dancers En Pointe Simultaneously.”
Good luck to Kelly and the other ballet dancers! Will you be tuning in on September 10th to see if they break the record?