Goldie Hawn, daughter Kate Hudson, and Hudson’s daughter Rani Rose recently just made the cover of PEOPLE’s magazine! Specifically, their annual Beautiful Issue. Shortly after their photoshoot for the cover back in February, Hawn and Hudson sat down to talk about the nostalgia they had been feeling, specifically for Hawn.
“When your daughter has a daughter, it’s a big deal,” the 74-year-old says. “And now with little Rani Rose,” Hudson adds. “I was so excited. The third generation.” They talk about the unbreakable bond of their family, which would soon be an important part of their relationship as the coronavirus would soon hit shortly after the shoot.
Goldie Hawn, Kate Hudson, and baby Rani grace this year’s cover of PEOPLE’s Beautiful Issue
“It’s definitely an interesting time for reflecting on what is truly important,” Hudson said at the time, referencing her family’s bond. Now that things are much different in the world, Hawn has been quarantining with long-time partner Kurt Russell and it’s obviously been difficult not to see family. For Hawn, this time has been about “meditation, nurturing, loving-kindness for all in my heart and staying safe inside.”
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Aside from that, in PEOPLE’s cover story, Hawn and Hudson discuss tons of things from parenting to sex. They share tons of memories with one another and get some good laughs in. “My mom gave me the floor to be able to feel confident enough to go out and feel like my life could be my own,” Hudson says. “Mom was my greatest cheerleader. And it just made me think about Rani…going, ‘I hope I give her that kind of confidence,’ you know?”
Advice for relationships and life in general
Hawn’s 37-year relationship has also inspired Hudson over the years. “To live up to that is really the goal,” Hudson says. “Just the fact that they’ve been able to maintain a unit for all of us, in times of turmoil, they really are the center of all of our lives.”
Hawn adds, “When you have your children and you have a man who loves your children, that’s a very tough bond.” Hudson also shares the powerful advice that she now lives by: “Mom always said to me, ‘Don’t you ever let a man dim your light.’ So I’ve never defined myself through the way a man sees me, but I can define myself in the unit that we can create together. That is what Mom gave to me.”