Yes, there is a real-life cat named Duchess who gave birth to the rest of The Aristocats, remembered as an iconic 1970s animated film. Shelby Sewell-Lopez from East Texas adopted the white cat in 2018. Although the cat had the name of glamour, her life was anything but. The cat allegedly was very frail, had a hernia, and had just about every parasite you can imagine.
“Through all of the rehabilitating, she kept her calm demeanor and a beautiful cat emerged,” her owner says. She is unbothered by everything except the vacuum cleaner!”
Check out these adorable photos of ‘The Aristocats’
One day after bringing Duchess home, Shelby discovers the cat hiding in a closet. She soon realizes that Duchess actually gave birth to not one, not two, but three cats! Shelby was previously under the impression that her cat had been spayed. First came Berlioz, who Shelby first thought to be a mouse.
Following Berlioz were Marie and Toulouse. Shelby thought Duchess was done there, but nope! They got a bonus kitten by the name of Blue. Shelby notes that Marie, Toulouse, and Berlioz all have striking similarities to the cats from The Aristocats film.
Side by side photos really shows the resemblance!
Don’t believe us? Take a good solid look at the photo above. Then check out the cats from The Aristocats film.
Crazy resemblance, right?! Also downright adorable. The cats are the exact same color and gender as the cats in the film. So, of course, Shelby gave her cats the same names of the cats in the film, too. Since Blue was the bonus kitten of the bunch, he earned his own name separate from The Aristocats gang.
Shelby even went as far as to dress up her kittens just like the ones from the film. The results are amazing!
Here’s Duchess, followed by the rest of the crew!
Can you believe how similar they look to The Aristocats characters? Be sure to visit their official Facebook page to see more adorable photos of them.
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