Business Insider recently talked to cruise ship employees to find out what was the most annoying behavior from cruise ship passengers. While many passengers are friendly and safety-conscious, just like anywhere, there are a few bad apples that try to ruin the whole bunch.
According to cruise ship employees (both current and former), there are just some things that passengers do that really gets them angry. Read on to learn what behavior you should avoid while on your next cruise vacation:
1. Being late back to the ship from a port
Probably the worst thing you can do? Head off the ship to a port and not pay attention to the time. Late passengers can cost the cruise ship money in port fees. If the ship is really late getting to the next destination, the captain may speed, which can result in rough seas and more sea-sickness. Make sure you know when you need to arrive back on board and stick to it. Your ship may just leave you behind too, which would be a huge hassle!
2. Not washing your hands
You know how quickly illness can spread on cruise ships. There is nothing more disgusting than someone using the bathroom, not washing their hands, and then touching food on a buffet! Always wash your hands after using the bathroom, before eating, and any other time where common sense applies.
3. Ignoring safety drills and rules
The quickest way to annoy cruise ship workers? Ignore the safety drills or make them yell at you for doing something unsafe.
4. Leaving your room a mess
If you take food to your room, don’t let it sit out. Rotten food can cause health concerns. Staff will clean up your room for you, but don’t be more disgusting than you would be at home. Which leads us to the next topic…
Read onto the NEXT page for even more behaviors you should avoid while sailing on a cruise ship!