Some things come up from time to time that may require an at-home remedy. However, a lot of them make us scratch our heads and think, “This is so weird!” You’d be surprised at the number of things you have in your fridge or pantry that can help even the simplest of things. This includes bad breath, nausea, and even a spider bite!
Sometimes you don’t need an over-the-counter medicine or to go to the doctor. If you have any of these things in your house, you may be just fine! Check out these 11 crazy home remedies our grandparents used that actually work!
1. Bad Breath
Don’t have any chewing gum or mints on hand, but have bad breath? Check your fridge for some celery and chew this instead. It will help you get rid of bad breath fast!
2. Earache
Earaches are the worst! Squeeze lemon juice onto a q-tip and put it in your ear. Alternatively, you may drop some in your ear with a dropper. The lemon may begin stabilizing the pH levels in your ear and make them feel a lot better!
3. Hair Loss
Nettle leaves can be great for helping with hair loss! A nettle leaf contains calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, and many other important vitamins. It’s important not to use it too much, but it can definitely be helpful in naturally restoring any lost hair.
4. Menopause
Ladies, going through menopause? Yams have a plethora of nutritional value that can help you combat the discomfort menopause brings. With both Vitamin A and vitamin C mixed together, this will help to balance out your hormones. It helps to lower your cholesterol, too!
5. Arthritis
If you’re struggling with arthritis of any kind, this may help alleviate any discomfort. Soak some golden raisins overnight in a few spoonfuls of gin. As a result, this may reduce swelling and ease the pain you’re experiencing.
Read onto the NEXT page for more bizarre remedies that actually work!