Some of our grandparents are known for having some of the most effective and strange home remedies for everything under the sun. These are just a few of the crazy things I’ve heard from mine!
Sure, they might not be something we always think to do but with one phone call to grandma, we know exactly what is needed when it comes to anything from a swollen ankle to sunburn. These remedies are amazing and should be the first thing you turn to in most cases. Enjoy!
1. Bad Breath Remedy
Instead of chewing gum chew celery. This will rid you of bad breath quickly. For more on this and other foods, you can eat when battling bad breath click here.
2. Earache Remedy
Squeeze lemon juice onto a q-tip and put it in your ear or drop some in your ear with a dropper. This is something many grandparents do and tell their relatives to do. The lemon in this is supposed to stabilize the pH levels in your ear and make them feel better.
3. Menopause Remedy
Yams, these tend to have a much rougher and thicker skin than sweet potatoes and are overflowing with nutritional value. They contain some vitamin A and are high in vitamin C this will help to balance out your hormones and lower your cholesterol.
This NEXT remedy is a great excuse to say you have arthritis!
4. Arthritis Remedy
These tiny little shriveled up snacks can ease arthritis symptoms. Soak golden raisins overnight in a few spoonfuls of gin and the mixture of these two will help reduce swelling and ease the pain from arthritis.
If you are prepping for a road trip or boat trip, you might want to see this NEXT remedy!
5. Motion Sickness Remedy
Sure it sounds like it wouldn’t work but it does! Olives are high in tannins which are known to stop the production of too much saliva. As you may have noticed when you’re getting that ‘going to be sick feeling’ having too much saliva in your mouth is enough to make you hurl.
6. This is a Bonus Hack! Press Play Below To Watch
I love this Next one treat and had no idea it helps with indigestion!