Nearly five decades after Elvis Presley’s tragic death, more information has come out about the circumstances of his health when he was found unconscious in his bathroom at Graceland. A recently unearthed secret autopsy file is giving the public second thoughts about the true cause of his passing, which was ruled a heart attack in 1977.
The Presley household reportedly kept this autopsy file hidden for years despite the procedure being conducted within 24 hours of his passing. His doctor also weighed in on the matter, revealing other health conditions that Elvis suffered.
Elvis Presley’s final moments
Elvis allegedly took about 9,000 drugs via injection and pills seven months before his demise and had a bowel full of unpassed stool in the last four. He gained unhealthy weight due to his poor diet containing junk, fast food, and an outrageous combination of high-calorie meals such as his famous PBJ and bacon sandwich.
He also struggled with taking care of himself and resorted to the care of an in-house nurse who would bathe, treat, and clean him up. His death was unsurprisingly linked to his lifestyle, with the public believing he died from chronic constipation while straining on the toilet seat.
What really killed Elvis Presley?
California-based physician Dr. Forest Tennant has come forward to refute the long-running narrative that Elvis died from a heart attack, noting that the late star has underlying health challenges. He defended Elvis’ doctor, George Nichopoulos, who was accused but later acquitted of over-prescribing drugs to Elvis.
Dr. Forest noted that Elvis’ death and other symptoms like back pain, insomnia, vertigo, and more were a result of a head injury he suffered in 1967.Elvis had tripped over a TV cord and hit his head on the bathtub, causing brain tissue to get into his bloodstream. This may have resulted in an autoimmune inflammatory disorder as his body attempted to repel the foreign parts.