Many rooms have some statement piece or feature to them that adds character. For Jordan Darian, that became her bathroom floor after she individually glued $77 worth of pennies to the floor, a process that took 16 hours to complete.
Some quick division later, and that’s 7,700 pennies. Darian declared the sum, “$77 that no one can ever spend again” in a video she posted that depicts the process one penny at a time. Since sharing, it’s gone viral on several platforms and outlets.
Meet Jordan Darian and her very unique goal
@ladyjordania $77 dollars that no one can ever spend again 😝 #pennyfloor #pennytile #foryourpride #tiktokart #diy #homerenovation #homeremodel #flooring #project
For her day job, Jordan Darian works as a creative director and is the co-founder of Humble Flower, a CBD brand dedicated to female skincare. This summer, she decided to use those creative juices to transform her standard wood bathroom floor. “Instead of ripping up the tile, I chose to just penny right over it,” Darian explained. “I researched how to do the pennies on the internet and found that Elmer’s glue was what would work best to secure them to the floor.”
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The bathroom features beige walls and a white suite, but they would take backseat to the new feature she had in mind. Her TikTok account played host to a video showing her progress covering the floor in thousands of pennies one by one for a statement piece worth $77 exactly – all in pennies.
Internet fame costs $77, or 7,700 pennies
@ladyjordania 25 MILLION people have seen my bathroom. That’s kinda weird to think about #pennyfloor #pennyfloorgirl #pennyfloorrevamp #diy #hgtv #renovation #viral
The video gained over 20 million views and inspired Darian to share more pictures and updates of her unique project. She admitted the process involved some pressure, explaining, “POV me over here trying to make cents of the penny floor comments, when we all know I can’t change what’s done.” The West Hollywood house itself came into her possession in 2018 and since purchasing, Darian, 36, and her husband have been renovating ever since.
The plan actually came from a personal place, as Darian explained, “I decided to penny the bathroom floor because it was something my mom had always talked about doing and I loved the idea! How many penny floors have you seen? I love fun decor and design surprises in a home. When we were in the market buying our first home I was horrified by all the cookie-cutter, ‘cut and paste’ houses that had so obviously been flipped by someone who was just in it to make money. Very rarely do you come across a home with character and thoughtfulness and when we resell our home one day I want it to really wow the new buyers. I want it to stand out in the market and with unique features like a penny floor bathroom, it will.”
Do you like when a house breaks the mold, or do you prefer traditional?