In the age of the coronavirus pandemic, a lot of old-fashioned/nostalgic businesses are making a comeback. Businesses such as drive-in theatres are being utilized to give people a place to go out and have fun again. Other things have been making a comeback that you may not have even though of such as sewing machines and plexiglass manufacturing.
We bet you’ll remember when these businesses and items were hugely popular. Here are five businesses that are making a comeback in modern times.
1. Drive-in theatres
We’ll start with the most obvious one. A lot of restaurants have been utilizing their parking lots and turning them into makeshift drive-in theatres. Back when many states weren’t even in phase 1 of reopening yet, drive-in theatres were there to ensure people had a place to go to get out of their house and have fun. All while still social distancing!
RELATED: Restaurant Parking Lots Are Transforming Into Drive-In Theaters Across The Country
2. Seed companies
Back in March when the coronavirus had hit its peak, people began sheltering in place at home. A lot of people ‘panic bought’ groceries ahead of time and were able to stay home with plenty of food for weeks. In this time period, seed company sales soared. This is in large part due to the fact that since people were at home, they had more time on their hands and were able to start gardening/taking up other hobbies. This is very reminiscent of the WWII era victory gardens.