A man allegedly tried to rob MMA fighter Polyana Viana in Rio de Janiero. However, he clearly decided to mess with the wrong woman as she left him bruised and begging for help!
Viana is an Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) strawweight. She had been waiting outside for her Uber right in front of her apartment complex when a man approaches her. From the initial encounter, she knew it was a situation she should be cautious about.
MMA fighter Polyana Viana shows a mugger who’s boss!
UFC’s Polyana Viana fights off man who attempted to rob her https://t.co/wY4bDjdesL pic.twitter.com/fHLebT1jwc
— Women's MMA Rankings (@WMMARankings) January 7, 2019
“When he saw I saw him, he sat next to me,” Viana explains. “He asked me the time, I said it, and I saw he wasn’t going to leave. So I already moved to put my cellphone in my waist. And then he said, ‘Give me the phone. Don’t try to react, because I’m armed.’ Then he put his hand over [a gun], but I realized it was too soft.”
The guns ended up being a cardboard cutout. “He was really close to me. So I thought, ‘If it’s a gun, he won’t have time to draw it.’ So I stood up, I threw two punches and a kick,” Viana says. “He fell, then I caught him in a rear-naked choke. Then I sat him down in the same place we were before and said, ‘Now we’ll wait for the police.’
Mugger receives medical treatment and is back in jail right after
The 26-year-old fighter says she mugged the guy so badly that he ended up begging her to call the police for help. “He said, ‘Call the police, then’ because he was scared I was going to beat him up more,” she explains.
Viana confirms that police eventually show up and take the man away for medical treatment, and then to the police station. The man had allegedly been arrested before and was recently released. Well, looks like he’ll be spending more time behind bars for not learning his lesson! Now, here’s a new one… don’t attempt to mug an MMA fighter.
What a crazy and hilarious story! We hope this teaches potential muggers a thing or two!
Speaking of illegal activity, Dog the Bounty Hunter’s Colorado store was recently robbed and many of the late Beth Chapman’s personal items were stolen. Look at the details of the news here!