7. Waiting for the film to develop
Speaking of cameras and photos, they were not instant like they are now. You had to go to the store to drop off your film, wait for it to develop and then go pick it up.
It was awful when the photos didn’t come out as you had hoped, but looking back on it now, it makes the good ones worth even more.
8. Doing research in school
Kids have access to so much information now. In the past, all you had was books to do research with. It was certainly a more laborious process than it is now!
Kids should feel lucky.
9. Using a map
Just like apps like Uber and Lyft, smartphones make it easier to find where you are going. If you get lost, your phone can redirect you in the right direction too.
Maps could be difficult to use and you had to pull over to figure out where you were going.
10. Using the Yellow Pages
Teens these days don’t know the difficulty of trying to find someone’s phone number in the Yellow Pages book.
They definitely don’t know the difficulty when they were many people with the same name and you had to keep calling until you got the right person! I remember the small amount of excitement when a new yellow book was delivered to our door. Just something fun to flip through for an afternoon.
11. Using a typewriter
It was so frustrating to type on a typewriter and make a mistake and have to start over!
12. No air conditioning
Summers without air conditioning were the worst! Even though fans help, car rides and being at home was so sticky and miserable when it was really hot and humid outside. How many of these things do you remember? Do you think teens these days are so lucky?