6. Iconic Coca-Cola Commercial
This Coca-Cola ad inspired a TV movie! The movie was called The Steeler and the Pittsburgh Kid and starred Mean Joe Greene from the commercial and Henry Thomas. Henry would go on to star in the legendary movie E.T.
7. Life Cereal
Remember Mikey? This commercial sparked many others. Mikey is a picky little boy, but he loves Life Cereal. It started the catchphrase, “Mikey likes it!”
8. Alka-Seltzer
Sammy Davis Jr. starred in ’70s ad for Alka-Seltzer. That “plop plop fizz fizz” theme song is still stuck in our heads.
9. Tootsie Pop
We can’t forget the iconic Tootsie Pop commercials! How many licks does it take?
10. Calgon
The company Calgon delivered another phrase that would make people remember it for decades. “Calgon… take me away…”
Do you remember all of these commercials? Which one is your favorite? Want more commercials from the ’70s? Watch below: