Updated 4/4/21
Ladies, do you remember when mom would put you in a vintage Easter dress every year? Well, it wasn’t ‘vintage’ back then. Or maybe if you’re a man, you remember seeing this specific Easter dresses on other girls at the time. They’ve come a long way, yet haven’t changed much! I remember the Easter dresses I used to wear all the time, too.
It’s always nice to take a walk down memory lane and remember the Easter dresses of yesteryear with Easter Sunday just coming up this weekend! Do you remember what your Easter dresses looked like?
How cute! This photo features two sisters wearing the same vintage 1956 Easter dress.
We can’t get over all the cuteness in this photo!
Another set of sisters wearing beautiful, white Easter dresses!
Beautiful touch with the flowers in their hair. Perfect for a sunny spring day!
Vintage Easter Dresses… Oh, the Bonnets and Gloves to boot!
Remember when you’d wear a hat and gloves with your Easter dress?
It’s still a very popular and inspiring trend for families today!
I’m pretty sure I had an Easter dress very similar to this one… what little girl didn’t wear a pink Easter dress at one point?
Matched up with the little basket and adorable gloves, it’s the perfect little outfit for Easter Sunday.
There’s nothing better these days than seeing a family all dressed up for Easter Sunday mass! A lot of kids and families don’t really dress up anymore.
Do you still dress up for Easter Sunday mass?
The photo above, according to its source, was taken in 1956.
They’ve got all the colors of the rainbow in these vintage Easter dresses!
We have the ladies of the household in this photo! And their dresses appear to all be the same. How cute!
The photo was allegedly taken on the Easter of 1953. Taking it way back in time!
Now, this is a cute one! An adorable yellow skirt with suspender-like straps and a beautiful white blouse.
Nothing looks classier than that! We should definitely bring back this look, no?
Another photo that circles back to 1956, but no hat or gloves in this photo! Nonetheless, these two sisters are looking absolutely precious in their dresses!
Did any of your Easter dresses as a kid look like these? If you have any photos of your Easter Attire and would like us to add it to this Story, please email [email protected] ! If the photo is good enough quality (Large and Clear enough), we would love to add it to our story. Have a wonderful day.
Check out the video below for some antique home decor ideas for Easter:
RELATED: Hallmark’s Very First Easter Movie Premieres This Weekend