Since opening its doors in 1983, Costco has served as a wholesale warehouse offering a plethora of goods at appealing prices. Its food even gets a lot of attention. But celebrity chef David Chang feels the price is not worth the price of Costco’s rotisserie chicken.
Chang, a television personality and restauranteur, is the founder of the Momofuku restaurant group, which was awarded two Michelin stars out of a possible three, a distinction awarded to very few establishments. He’s using his keen sense of taste to analyze Costco’s rotisserie chicken and decide if it’s any good and why.
David Chang has some factors to consider regarding Costco’s rotisserie chicken
Costco’s rotisserie chicken has been talked about a lot. It’s usually compared to other big-name retailers or brands. Comparisons factor in the price and initial taste, often arguing in favor of Costco in part because of its price. But, Chang notes on the latest episode of The David Chang Show podcast, “it’s important to have it properly seasoned is, you might eat it the next day cold — and it’s gotta taste good cold.”
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“And there’s something about all the nitrates and all the crap they pump into that chicken that makes that chicken breast even more disgusting the next day when it’s cold,” continues Chang. “It’s inedible. It really is.” Though, Chang acknowledges, its price tag of $4.99 is understandably appealing, adding, “If I was like a weightlifter on Atkins [diet] then I would just be buying that non-stop.”
Delicious or disgusting?
Other factors influencing Chang’s opinion include the way Costco sells its rotisserie chicken, like in sets of two combined in one package. “Once you pop open that plastic it’s going to be a geyser of chicken juice all over the place,” mused Chang. “You know what’s going to happen.” According to New York Post, by time of writing, Costco has not issued any kind of statement in response to Chang’s verdict.
Ultimately, going for fresh food is far more appealing to Chang, even if it’s just one fresh chicken compared to getting two whole frozen chickens. That’s why, at the end of the day, Chang says “I think the Costco chicken is the worst rotisserie chicken. They’re not good. They’re not seasoned. Which is your favorite seller of rotisserie chicken and what do you think of Costco’s chicken?