On June 19th, 2019, the Gaines decided to take a trip to Memphis, TN to present St. Jude Children’s Hospital with a check for $1.5 million. They also built a playhouse for them as part of the donation! At the event, the two played dress-up in bumblebee headbands while greeting the kids, playing the piano, singing songs, and more.
They also did a storytime reading of their newest book called We Are The Gardeners. From the looks of the photos, it seemed to be a complete success!
What Chip and Joanna said at the St. Jude event

“As we walked in today, a little boy told us that he’s ‘demo day-ing’ his cancer treatment and that’s pretty much the best thing I’ve ever heard. In our world, demo day marks the end of one chapter and the beginning of a newer, more exciting one,” Chip says while at the event. “And that’s exactly what we want for you — we’re pulling for each and every one of you.”