I occasionally play some unique games and puzzles on my cell phone like most Americans in 2019. The games I play are entertaining, nice for wasting time, and some even are a tad addicting. If you missed the headline, I’m not writing about those games. Today I write about REAL games, the kind you play with friends and family. Comparing Candy Crush to a Monopoly match with friends is like comparing an infomercial to your favorite TV Show.
Putting down our phones for a few hours to have a game night is more than fun, it’s social! This article is dedicated to the real games and puzzles of the world and the people who play them. The inspiration came as I was looking for a new puzzle to start… I stumbled on a gem of new games, some I’d never seen before. So, without further adieu – for all the game night coordinators, here are some quite unique games and puzzles. I’m sure they’ll add some spice to your game nights!
Twist On A Classic
This is not a very unique game, but it is a classic and even a bit nostalgic! The Golden Girls Monopoly Board Game (found this one on Amazon). Check It Out Here.
Cereal Box Puzzle
Mini Cereal Boxes Puzzles CLICK TO VIEW
Flickin’ Chicken – Very Unique lol
Flickin’ Chicken – $16.99 CLICK TO VIEW
Three Person Chess Set
Gradient Puzzle (Hard)
The Gradient Puzzle – $24.99 CLICK TO VIEW
Oh Snap! | Another Classic & Unique Game
Oh Snap! – $38.99 – CLICK TO VIEW
Hopefully, you came across a unique game here that piqued your interest! If you are still hungry for more game night ideas check out our very own collection of Nostalgic Games on Amazon. If you have feedback on any of these games or suggestions for an article, let us know in the comments. Thanks for reading & see you soon!
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