A third grader named Sara Hinesley recently won a national handwriting competition for writing in cursive. This would be impressive for any third grader because cursive seems to be a skill that is going away quickly. What made it even more impressive? Sara was born without hands.
Many schools don’t even teach the art of cursive anymore, due to the increased use of technology. However, some schools are still carrying on this time-honored tradition. Sara was taught in Frederick, Md. and she says that cursive is easy for her. She is a tenacious little girl and writes by holding the pencil between the ends of her arms.
Sara won the 2019 Zaner-Bloser National Handwriting Contest and actually won the Nicholas Maxim Award as well. The Nicholas Maxim Award goes to an applicant with a physical, developmental, or intellectual disability.
So, what did she win?
She won a trophy, $500, and $500 in educational materials for her school. How great is that? She credits her teacher for teaching her to write so perfectly and instilling a love of writing in her. It is really incredible to see teachers still teaching kids cursive and encouraging kids to accomplish anything they set their mind to!
Sara hopes to inspire other kids with disabilities. She hopes that other kids with disabilities learn that if they try, they can do anything they set their mind to! What an inspiring little girl. What do you think about this adorable little girl learning to write cursive so well without hands? It is very impressive!
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