Don’t lose hope in humanity just yet, everyone! At a Reading, OH McDonald’s drive-thru, a woman named Andrea Duncan had ordered her meal, but then quickly forgot she had left her wallet behind at work. When she drove up to the window where she would normally pay, she was prepared to cancel the order.
However, one McDonald’s employee picked up her tab when she tried to cancel it. A young man named Jeremiah McDonald-Hemphill simply responded with “It’s ok ma’am I got you,” and Andrea couldn’t help but take to social media to gush over the encounter and the lovely service she received.
“I ordered my food but realized as I got to the window to pay, I had left my wallet at work. I told this young man to cancel my order. His response was ”it’s ok ma’am I got you” he then took his wallet out and paid for my meal. What an amazing young man!” her Facebook post about Jeremiah read.
“We hear so much about what’s wrong with the world I had to share a little of what is right. I am just now posting this because I wanted his permission and I wanted to repay him for his kindness. I asked him if I could hug him and told him to keep being who he is because he is an amazing person. He didn’t know how tired I was or that I hadn’t eaten or even if he would be repaid but he didn’t even bat an eye and just acted.”
Since Andrea’s initial Facebook post about the encounter, the post has since gone viral with 18,000 Facebook reactions, 2,200 comments, and 5,100 likes. And counting! People have been flooding the comments section of the post with loving comments for this young man, one with an additional response from his own, very proud mother!
“Thank each and everyone of you for the kind words in regards to my son,” Donna McDonald wrote back to everyone’s kind words.
Andrea also told Yahoo! Lifestyle that Jeremiah’s mother also reached out to her and thanked her personally for the kind words, as she commended her son as “an amazing person”. “As a mom of two young men, I wanted her to know what he did for me and that she is doing something right. As moms we all need to hear that,” Andrea said.
What a beautifully wholesome story! We hope for more moments like these in the world.
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