Does anyone actually read the instructions for games anymore? Not really. In most cases, we all end up making up our own rules (The Game of Life… we’re looking at you). Uno is no different because we’ve apparently all been overlooking this very important “Draw 4” rule that has everyone’s heads exploding.
Facebook user LaToya McCaskill Stallings was bored one day and decided to read the instructions for Uno just for pure entertainment. What she found went viral after she posted it on social media, because everyone couldn’t believe it.
Her full statement from the beginning of 2018 reads…
Note From Editor: We got the itch to play ourselves and found the original Mattel Uno available with the original tin case! The cheapest price we could find was on Amazon (as usual). Click Here to check it out. Now, Back to the story 🙂
“So it’s taken me 35 years on this earth to realize that I’ve been playing Uno wrong since I was a kid. Did y’all know that you can only play the Draw 4 Wild card IF you have NO other cards of the same color that can be played??! AND if you suspect that someone has illegally played this card, they have to show you their hand. AND if they in fact played the card illegally they must draw 4, but If not, the person who challenged the play must DRAW 6? Ok so I was bored and ran out of things to read so I decided to read the actual rule book. 2018 is going to be a year of enlightenment for me I can just feel it!”
What are other people saying?
You all know that people on the internet have strong opinions about this. We’re here to share them!
One commenter says that they actually did play it this way and that they were called out for “cheating” by their husband’s family. We all have our ways?
It’s still evident that Uno causes some arguments among families… one commenter even reported an apparent World War III.
We’re just going to leave this one comment here. All the well-deserved laughing Facebook reacts.
Some people are just stuck in their ways. We can’t reverse it!
As instructed in the photos above, the Draw 4 rule has been explained as follows from the official Uno website…
“This acts just like the wild card except that the next player also has to draw four cards as well as forfeit his/her turn. With this card, you must have no other alternative cards to play that matches the color of the card previously played. If you play this card illegally, you may be challenged by the other player to show your hand to him/her. If guilty, you need to draw 4 cards. If not, the challenger needs to draw 6 cards instead.”
Be sure to SHARE this article if you love the game, Uno!