The debate between working moms and stay at home moms is not anything new. While some believe that working moms can have it all, others think being a stay at home mom is better for the kids. No matter what you believe, you can probably agree that this chart making its way around the Internet is pretty rude.
Lori Alexander, a conservative Christian blogger, recently posted a chart titled, “Should Mothers Have Careers?”. There are tons of comments on the post and most seem to agree that the chart is pretty wrong on all levels. The crazy thing is, Lori herself has a book, a blog and a website, along with four children, but doesn’t seem to believe she has a career.
Read It For Yourself
The chart starts out by saying the career mom is away from the home for hours every day while a stay at home mom is at home all day. She doesn’t seem to mention moms who work from home (which seems like something she does herself) or that moms might volunteer, work part-time, etc.
The next part which says working moms are without their children all day and stay at home moms are with the children all day, also ignores several factors. Kids need to be social, so being at a public school or daycare can greatly help them with their social and developmental skills.
She says that career moms come home exhausted, while stay at home moms rest while their children nap. What about all of the cooking and cleaning? Wouldn’t a stay at home mom be doing those things while their kids nap? Having a full-time job and staying at home with the kids all day can be equally as exhausting.
Next, she basically says that career moms are feeding their kids crap while stay at home moms feed their children nutritious, laborious meals. Again, it definitely depends on the mom and the situation. Not everyone is great in the kitchen. It is pretty judgemental to say that career moms only give their kids fast food while stay at home moms are cooking four-course meals every single day.
More Unfair Comparisons
She says that career moms only read a book to their kids before bed while stay at home moms “read to children, play games, disciplines, and teach about Jesus all day long.” This comparison is also wildly unfair. To say that moms with jobs never discipline their children? Come on.
It doesn’t get better. The last two comparisons relate to the weekends and the husbands. Apparently, career moms spend their entire weekend cleaning and shopping, while stay at home moms hang out at the beach or park. Career moms also are never intimate with the husband, while stay at home moms are frequently intimate with their husbands. We don’t have a comment on that one… just yikes. I mean, what about single moms too?
Whether you are a working mom or stay at home with the kids, we know you love your kids and your family, want the best for them and are doing the best you can. Don’t let anyone like this lady judge you for it.
Please SHARE this article with your friends who are moms and see what they think about this “chart”!