5. Put the milk bottles out for the milkman
This one is pretty self-explanatory. Do you miss milk from an actual milkman or do you prefer to buy yours at the grocery store? Pretty crazy how now they have almond milk, coconut milk, soy milk, and just about any kind of milk that you would ever want!
6. Rinse and ring out diapers in a diaper pail
If you had little brothers and sisters, you better believe you were helping out. This might have even meant that you had to clean up diapers. It was probably one of the worst chores ever.
7. Use a sickle to cut weeds and grass
Maybe you had to mow the grass, but first, you had to use a sickle to cut weeds and grass low enough to be able to mow it. You had to be very careful because those things can be dangerous! Do you still use a sickle?
8. When you were finished with your chores, you got to play outside all day!
Kids these days don’t know the true pleasure of finishing up chores and meeting up with your friends. These were the days that you could play outside in the neighborhood all day and your mother didn’t worry about you. You only came home for dinner when the street lights came on.
How many other chores can you think of? If you enjoyed reminiscing, please SHARE with your friends and family who will remember all of these chores!
If you remember these chores, then MAYBE you remember these strange dishes that were popular once upon a time! 🙂 For more of these videos, check out our YouTube Channel.