If you love shopping on Black Friday, you want to make sure you are getting all of the best deals, right? There are some tips you can use to make better purchases, waste less time in the crowds and in lines and simply get the best deals without ripping your hair out.
Here are some tips to bookmark for Black Friday every year. Do you like to do your Black Friday shopping on Thanksgiving or on the actual day?
1. Shop around
There will be so many great deals, you don’t want to take the first one you see and miss out on something better. Look at catalogs before you go shopping, head to several stores, or use a price comparison app or website.
2. Use price comparison apps
Speaking of price comparison apps or websites, make sure you use them! It could help you avoid going from store to store by finding the best deal on your phone. Then you can simply head to one store to shop for what you want. You should also compare online deals and see if it is even worth it to head out or just wait for Cyber Monday.
3. Make a list and check it twice
Just like Santa, you need a list. There will be so much chaos and distractions, you will need to have a list handy or you may forget what you need or leave with unnecessary items. Once you got everything on your list, decide if you want to look around for other deals or save your wallet from more spending.
4. Drink coffee at home
You will likely have to get up super early on Black Friday and need some coffee. Save time and money by drinking coffee at home before you head out shopping. The lines at coffee shops will probably be super long and could cost you time, not to mention money.
5. Set a budget
If you don’t have unlimited money to spend, you might want to give yourself a budget or a limit. When you make your list, put down the maximum price you would spend on each item. You might also want to make a total budget or limit as well, so you don’t overspend when you inevitably see more items and deals that you want.
Read on to the next page for more awesome tips for Black Friday shopping!