Hugh Hefner has lived a life many guys would give both of their functioning testicles for, but there’s a darker side to the owner of Playboy, a side that requires young girls to do unspeakable things while dressed up as Bunnies – Easter is probably their least favorite holiday now. Here are 14 crazy rules the girls live by on a day-to-day basis.
1. Being the ‘main girlfriend’ isn’t a great job.
The main girlfriend gets the same perks as the other girls but has to share a bed with a human meatloaf.
2. The girls are to be seen more than heard.
When the Hefmeister is giving interviews, the girls need to be quiet probably because a man is speaking and Hef is still living in 1963.
3. They get a weekly clothing allowance.
The girls get a cool $1,000 for clothes every week. Word has it though that they can’t use this money for anything else – you gotta make sure you look pretty for the guy!
4. If you’re one of Hef’s girlfriends, it’s a full-service job.
You have to be up for bedroom activities whenever Hef’s managed to get his little Hef up for it.