How did my life get good enough that Jerry Lewis would smile at me? And how sad to lose him. pic.twitter.com/taPhl1utzO
— Penn Jillette (@pennjillette) August 20, 2017
Goodbye to the real, no irony, king of comedy. pic.twitter.com/t7qEkDo4Sl
— Penn Jillette (@pennjillette) August 20, 2017
Condolences to the family of Jerry Lewis. The world is a lot less funnier today. ☹️
— William Shatner (@WilliamShatner) August 20, 2017
We lost one of the great ones today…possibly the greatest. Jerry Lewis was one of my comedy heroes & was a gigan… https://t.co/Baob4Gn29E pic.twitter.com/dmkjsDlPHi
— Sean Hayes (@SeanHayes) August 20, 2017
Watched nutty professor over and over and over again as a kid. Got to meet and hang with clegend who made it. #jerrylewis. Rip
— Russell Simmons (@UncleRUSH) August 20, 2017
Jerry Lewis has passed on. I sincerely hope his afterlife is a warm, peaceful…
— Patton Oswalt (@pattonoswalt) August 20, 2017
We have lost a great comedian and even greater heart. Thank you for the laughs and the feels, Jerry Lewis. https://t.co/vdYCfd7atJ
— George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) August 20, 2017