4. Lucille Ball
Lucille Ball is arguably one of the most influential female performers of the last 100 years. When she died at age 77 in 1989, she left more than just a great legacy. According to the new owners of her former home, intense paranormal activity is the norm. For example, they say there are often loud voices coming from the attic as if there’s a party going on up there.
5. Marilyn Monroe
Monroe’s ghost likes to get around Hollywood. Since her apparent suicide in 1962, Monroe’s ghost has been spotted at her former home, at her tomb at the Westwood Memorial Cemetery, and even in a full-length mirror at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel.
6. Mary Pickford
Silent film actress Mary Pickford was a massive celebrity in the 1920s. She and her second husband moved into an allegedly haunted mansion where they lived until her death in 1979. Not long after, the hauntings at the house increased. Her husband believed the spirit he kept seeing was Pickford. The historic mansion has since been demolished.