According to a translation by NBC News, the caption on the photo mentions Jabor in Japanese as being an exceptionally good port that becomes quite lively when large ships arrive carrying goods from the mainland.
“So we’re going to continue to investigate this,” History channel investigator Shawn Henry told NBC News. “The accuracy is obviously important. We want to follow the facts where they lead, and we’re certainly going to do that.”
Theories have been proposed that Earhart and Noonan crash-landed and were captured by the Japanese military, eventually dying in captivity. Some locals have said that they saw Earhart’s plane crash land and that they both were captured and taken away.
Gary Tarpinian, executive producer of the History special, has said its investigators believe Earhart was taken by the Japanese to Saipan where she died. The Japanese government has always maintained that it has no documents suggesting Earhart was ever in its custody.
Despite the controversy, Henry said, “I think the evidence that we’ve collected thus far in totality says that Noonan and Earhart landed in the Marshall Islands. I think that that’s true.”
Earhart was last heard from on July 2, 1937. Earhart was officially declared dead in 1939 after the U.S. government concluded that she crashed somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. Her remains were never found.
Earhart was trying to become the first female aviator to circumnavigate the globe when she vanished.
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