1954 Seeburg M100 “G”
During the time period of Happy Days, the 1953 Seeburg “C” unit was sweeping the jukebox market with its brilliant color wheels rotating behind white frosted pilasters. But eventually, restorers began installing the same barber-pole-like systems into the “G” model, which has more chrome. A juke in decent shape can be bought for as little as $1,200 on the public market and reach close to $9,000 when restored.
1959 Seeburg Model 222
The first stereo jukebox ever made and the last Seeburg model to feature a full view of the record-changing mechanism in action, this unit can sell for nearly $10,000 when completely reconditioned and sold with a warranty. The juke’s amplifier can be a challenge to rebuild, but if successful the two-channel output sounds great.
(Source: Read Full Billboard Article HERE)