Ringo Starr will always be celebrated for being a member of the Beatles and his success as a solo artist. The musician is also popular for collaborating with legendary musicians; Ringo has worked with many notable figures, including his fellow Beatles, George Harrison and Paul McCartney. Many of these collaborations are usually the talk of the town because of Ringo’s popularity and skills.
However, there’s one collaboration that his partner has a fuzzy memory about. This collaboration is not well known like Ringo Starr’s other projects, but it involves the legendary guitarist Peter Frampton, who surprisingly had a hard time recalling his role and part in the project.
Peter Frampton was not sure if he was sober after his session with Ringo Starr
The song “A Dose of Rock ‘n’ Roll” was released in 1976, and it featured Peter Frampton on guitar. The track was part of Ringo’s Rotogravure album, which showcased his love for teaming up with musical heavyweights. However, Frampton admitted that he initially had little to no memory of playing on the track.
In a 2013 interview with Guitar World, Frampton reflected on this period, acknowledging the haziness of the 1970s. “I can’t remember [laughs]. It was the ’70s, and I know I was sober for the session, but I’m not sure about right after,” he remarked. Over the years, fans often approached him, questioning if it was his guitar playing on the song. His initial response was to revisit the track to jog his memory.
Frampton further explained, “I did more sessions than I remember doing. There were a lot of things in the ’70s that I played on that people keep reminding me about.”
Peter Frampton is getting ready for his “Let’s Do It Again” tour
Upon listening to the song, Frampton gradually pieced together his involvement. “Yeah, the first part is me. I forgot all about that! That’s me,” he recalled. “And then, I forget who it is that comes in there, but that sounds like I’m playing my Gibson and then a Telecaster or a Strat comes in. While “A Dose of Rock ‘n’ Roll” wasn’t a major hit for Ringo Starr, the collaboration still holds significance as a meeting of two rock legends. Though Frampton’s memory of the session was initially foggy, his story about forgetting his sessions adds a layer of mystery to him.
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The singer also recently announced his ten-concert ‘Let’s Do It Again! Tour that will happen at arenas, theaters, casinos and performing arts centers all over North America from late March through mid-April. Fans are excited about this new development.