Melissa Gilbert has a very special place in her heart for Laura Ingalls Wilder. She portrayed the character in the popular series Little House on the Prairie. Laura was a real person who lived on the prairie and wrote the books that inspired the series. PBS has aired a very special episode detailing Laura’s life.
The special was inspired by the 85th anniversary of the publication of the book Little House on the Prairie. Laura Ingalls Wilder: Prairie to Page aired on December 29, 2020, and you can watch it here. It gave a look at the famed author who published her first book at the age of 65.
PBS aired a special on Laura Ingalls Wilder’s life
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The special featured never-before-published letters, photos, and family artifacts from her life. It includes interviews with special guests, including Melissa who got to play Laura on screen for many years. Writers who detailed Laura’s life in books also give some insight into what her life was really like.
RELATED: New PBS Film Explores Life Of ‘Little House On The Prairie’ Author Laura Ingalls Wilder
Melissa shared an old photo of Laura and wrote (ahead of its airing), “Hey everybody! I’m so excited because Tomorrow night on @pbsamericanmasters American Masters — Laura Ingalls Wilder: Prairie to Page premieres nationwide at 8 p.m. on PBS (check local listings), pbs.org/lauraingalls and the PBS Video app. Follow the journey of the award-winning author of the best-selling “Little House” series in this exploration of her life and legacy and her little-known, secret collaboration with her daughter on the books that shaped American ideas of the frontier. Set your DVRs!! #PBS #littlehouseontheprairie #lauraingallswilder #Halfpint”
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PBS writes, “Though Wilder’s stories emphasized real life and celebrated stoicism, she omitted the grimmer and contradictory details of her personal history: grinding poverty, government assistance, deprivation and the death of her infant son.” In conclusion, find out more about Laura’s life in the special.
Did you watch it or are you planning to?
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