In our 1970s Do You Remember Facebook group, one member wanted to see if anyone else remembers these retro tins. Before many items came in plastic, they came in glass bottles or metal tins. The photo shows items such as Hershey’s cocoa, Band-aids, and Phillip’s tablets.
The photo stirred up a lot of nostalgia for our group members. Here are some of the top comments. See how many of these retro tins you remember using growing up!
Do you remember when products came in tins instead of plastic?
“Every one of them. If I’m not mistaken, my mom used the Hershey’s Cocoa to make fudge. It was soooo delicious, and her peanut butter fudge was also awesome good!”
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“Used them all. And don’t forget the Whitfields ointment for Ringworms and in England we also Gripe water.”
“Prince Albert in a can was a famous punchline.”
“I have about 20 of them my mom left. They look cool in my kitchen.”
“Yes I do I’m old 😂”
“I could never get the Sucrets tin open”
“I have all and still use them for certain things.”
“Oh yeah, and don’t forget Ovaltine!!”
“I remember all of them. My daddy smoked Prince Albert.”
Would you like to see tins make a comeback in some of these products? Do you still own some to hold smaller items like hair pins? It is interesting how even the smallest of items can stir up so many memories.