Father’s Day is right around the corner, a specific day to honor all dads around the world. However, people are calling for Father’s Day to officially be renamed for those without dads. Of course, those who are celebrating Father’s Day without their dad may have a hard time coping with the day. Meghan McCain was one of the first to call for an ‘alternative’ name for the day.
“We really have to start an alternative rebranding of the day for those of us who have fathers who have passed on…” she says in a tweet. Of course, this was met with mixed reactions and responses.
Should Father’s Day be renamed? Here’s what people are saying about it…
Some people were incredibly understanding about what McCain was proposing. “Her tweet is that of a child grieving the loss of her parent. She’s dreading Father’s Day because it’s a reminder that her father is no longer with her. She knows that Father’s Day will never be cancelled”.
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Others explained that while they lost their dad, they still celebrate the day in a positive light. “I love remembering my dad on Father’s Day, but it’s been a few years now. I suggest making it a day to reflect on the good memories and feelings.”
Some people understand, others think it’s a stupid idea
Her tweet is that of a child grieving the loss of her parent. She's dreading Father's Day because it's a reminder that her father is no longer with her. She knows that Father's Day will never be cancelled.
One person says the idea itself is ‘crazy.’ “Meghan McCain must be crazy thinking that just because fathers have passed on it should be renamed something else what does she think Mother’s Day should be renamed it’s being disrespectful to your father even as he has passed on.”
Others say, “Father’s Day has always triggered me because my father is a deadbeat, and you don’t see me crying to have it renamed.” Another person also proposed alternatives for other days of the year. “I think we should also have a rebranding of “anniversary” for people who are divorced, of “Halloween” for diabetics who cannot eat candy, of “first day of spring” for hay fever sufferers, and of Valentine’s Day for people who aren’t in a relationship.”
This isn’t the first time this topic has surfaced for conversation. It happens just about every year from people who are living without their dads. The same conversation also takes place when Mother’s Day rolls around each year, too. So, what do you think? Should Father’s Day be renamed?