In the local grocery store or supermarket, it’s not uncommon to run into people from all walks of life. For a judgmental mother of one, Andy Ross seemed to be from a very different part of life. A part of life that the mother did not want for her child.
Ross’s story of encountering prejudice and overcoming it with grace had the whole Internet applauding. Ross made it very clear to this woman that one should never judge a book by its cover.
Andy Ross is a former special operations medic who recently started doing construction work (a dirty job). He couldn’t help but notice that a little girl was staring at him, presumably from all the dirt on his face from being at the construction site all day. He paid no mind to this until the mother of the girl whispered, “That is why you need to stay in school.” Ross overheard and took it as an educational moment.
Ross introduced himself to the mother and child. Ross went on to explain that he’s actually a highly educated man who just happens to work in a job where he gets dirty. While Ross should not have felt any reason to explain himself, he certainly made an impact on the two.
You can read more about this construction worker on the next page…