Knots Landing was a popular classic primetime soap opera that originally aired from 1979 to 1993. Surprisingly, recently, the series has experienced an increase in popularity, all thanks to its availability on Prime Video and Plex. The series, which was a spin-off of Dallas, has found new audiences and rekindled the passion of longtime fans. A lot of fans are excited to rewatch this soap opera as it provides a healthy dose of nostalgia and all the drama needed, new viewers are also hooked on this classic soap opera.
The excitement around the show grew even more at the recent Hollywood Show in Burbank, California, where stars of Knots Landing, Donna Mills, Joan Van Ark, and Kathleen Noone reunited to greet fans and share exciting news. During their appearance, the trio announced that they would be launching a Knots Landing rewatch podcast. They shared that the podcast allows fans to experience memories again and also hear behind-the-scenes stories from cast members.
‘Knots Landing’ aired for 14 seasons and has become a fan favorite to this day
‘Knots Landing”s Donna Mills, Joan Van Ark and Kathleen Noone Reunite — and Announce Exciting News About the Soap
— People (@people) January 21, 2025
Knots Landing received praise for its storytelling and plot line. It told the stories of the lives of suburban families in Los Angeles. Over its 14-season run, the show built a loyal audience, it was praised for its realistic drama, complex relationships, and interesting characters like Valene Ewing, Gary Ewing, and Karen MacKenzie.
Unlike other soap operas, Knots Landing showed the struggles in family relationships and personal and professional growth; these themes kept viewers hooked to the show, as it was realistic and relatable. The show’s ability to be melodramatic yet relatable human stories gave it a dedicated fanbase that continues to celebrate it to this day. There’s no surprise that fans are excited to see its availability on streaming platforms.
‘Knots Landing’ remains a timeless classic
At the recent Hollywood Show, the Knots Landing cast members talked about the relationship they shared both on and off-screen. Alec Baldwin, who appeared on the series in its later seasons, described his time on the show as one of the most important experiences of his career. Baldwin spoke fondly of the talented cast. “It changes everything when you go to work with somebody who’s great,” Baldwin said.
Joan Van Ark also talked about the show’s impact; she acknowledged that while the attention may have come late, the cast was grateful for the fresh interest. She remarked, “We’ll take it at any point,” She expressed that the celebration may be late to the party, but they’ll take the attention they deserve. Kathleen Noone expressed her gratitude for the support she received from the group when joining the series, calling them “a family” both on and off the screen.
With the podcast announcement, it’s clear that the Knots Landing stars are finally receiving the recognition they’ve long deserved. As the show continues to inspire and entertain new generations of fans, these actors can take pride in their impact on television history.