Jackie Kennedy has been a long-time influence in the world of beauty and fashion, in addition to having perfect skin. Even long after her death, she continues to be someone that many look up to in order to learn about all the fashion trends and best brands. Her skin routine is up there, too! It has a lot to do with her makeup (less is more) and how it’s applied.
In the book The Fabulous Bouvier Sisters: The Tragic and Glamorous Lives of Jackie and Lee by authors Sam Kashner and Nancy Schoenberger, they tell all about Jackie’s beauty routine as part of the book’s biography.
Learn Jackie Kennedy’s perfect skin routine
The biography book described Jackie’s beauty routine as follows:
“Wash your face with hot water and a rough wash cloth and really rub, with upward strokes on the cheeks and forehead … Rinse with cold water: the shock will stimulate circulation and leave it tingling. With the same upward motions massage in a rich cream before retiring. Do this for about two minutes and wipe off what is left so you won’t find it on your pillow the next morning.”
The “rich cream” mentioned in the excerpt from the book was originally Dorothy Gray’s Special Dry Skin mixture, but then she switched to luxury brand Erno Laszlo, which goes for $275 at Sephora. In addition to keeping up a skincare routine, she also began using a peroxide rinse for her teeth to combat nicotine stains she had received after years of smoking.
Jackie began smoking as a teenager and would soon begin smoking up to two packs a day for a majority of her life. She still managed to be one of the classiest First Ladies ever! Not to mention she looked incredible, especially when taking care of herself and her body.
There are so many more beauty trends that Jackie was known for throughout the years! If you’re interested in purchasing the book that tells all about Jackie’s life, it’s available for $14!
Check out these rare photos of Jackie Kennedy that are going up for auction, including a photo of her at seven months pregnant!
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