4. ARK II (1976)
Scientists and their chimpanzee have to learn to navigate an apocalyptic Earth. ARK II is their high-tech RV which helps them get around. Did you use to watch this show? We found just 1 copy on Amazon. Check it out here if it’s still available…
5. Gemini Man (1976)
This show was another remake of The Invisible Man. It starred Ben Murphy as a secret agent named Sam Casey who can become invisible. He works for a high-tech government think tank called Intersect. They helped him use his powers for good. There is actually a Gemini Man movie coming out later this year starring Will Smith.
6. The Fantastic Journey (1977)
This show was about a family that goes on a boat in the Bermuda Triangle but gets trapped in a dimension beyond space and time. They meet Varian, a man from the year 2230. However, only ten episodes made it to air.
7. Future Cop (1977)
Two veteran cops get a new employee in their office. He isn’t a human, but a robot. It was on ABC for a very short time and starred Ernest Borgnine and John Amos. Here’s Future Cop on Amazon.
Do you remember the top six movies from 1975?
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