If you are obessed with peanut butter, you need to hear this news. Have you ever scraped the bottom of a peanut butter jar to get all of that nutty goodness out of it? Have you wasted any peanut butter because you couldn’t be bothered to get it all off the bottom? One company is aiming to solve that problem by introducing a peanut butter pump.
An entrepreneur named Andy Scherer invented the peanut butter pump and is hoping to distribute it everywhere. The father of five invented the tool in 2017 and has now launched a crowdfunding campaign to see if others love this idea as much as he does.
Learn More About The Peanut Butter Pump

It fits right into a peanut butter jar and has a wide opening to dispense all kinds of peanut butter or nut butter, including the crunchy kind. All you have to do is screw it on in place of the lid it came with. You can then pump out the perfect amount of peanut butter every single time. It also scrapes the sides as you use it. This means that you will use every last bit of peanut butter and you can throw the clean jar in the recycling bin when it is empty!
How cool is that? It would be great to use to spread onto bread, crackers, or anything else you want to cover in peanut butter goodness. There are also two nozzles, which deliver two different amounts of peanut butter for different uses. It would also be great to fill pet’s toys with peanut butter for a less messy treat!
How Much Did The Campaign Raise?
At the time of posting, the campaign has received more than what they needed! It seems people love peanut butter just as much as we thought. He has currently raised $48,516, which is over the $20,000 needed. Do you want to get a peanut butter pump? Hopefully, it becomes something we can purchase at stores! Right now, you can back it and buy one for as low as $25 online.
What do you think about this idea? We love the fact that it comes with different nozzles and really gets all of the peanut butter out of the jar. If you enjoyed this article, please SHARE with all of your peanut butter-obsessed friends!
Check out the video that gives more information on how the peanut butter pump works and see if you’d like to purchase one. It seems like a pretty amazing idea: