Joanna Gaines is the master of making any home look clean and fresh. She also knows how to make a home smell amazing. Whether you are having guests over, looking to sell your home and entice buyers, or just want your house to smell better, Joanna has a fix for you!
She recently shared an easy five-ingredient recipe that she uses to make her home smell amazing. She also shared several four to five ingredient recipes for nontoxic sprays you can use to make your linens, furniture and bedding smell fresher.

Joanna shared on her blog that after the holidays, the house seems a little bare. She uses this opportunity to look at her home with fresh eyes and might do some redecorating. She loves to light candles, but if you don’t like candles, she shared a few alternatives that are very easy to make and will have your home smelling so good in no time.
Here is her recipe for a Citrus Simmer pot:
On your stovetop, put a few cups of water in a pot and bring it to a simmer. Then put in two sprigs of fresh rosemary, one tablespoon of dried lavender, and 2-3 lemon slices or lemon peels. You can also add in a few drops of your favorite essential oils. Joanna recommends lavender and rose essential oils for this recipe. Turn the heat to low and let the pot freshen up the smell of your home. Make sure to check it every 30 minutes or so and add more water if needed. Also, do not drink this recipe. It is for smelling only.
If you would like a recipe for a linen spray, Joanna has two favorites. She uses them to refresh linens, rooms, blankets, towels, or furniture.
Here is the recipe for a 12 oz. Lemon Lavender Linen Spray:
Get a glass bottle that you can put a spray top on. Add 10 drops of lemon essential oils and 10 drops of lavender essential oil right into the bottle. Then add two tablespoons of witch hazel or a pinch of sea salt or Epsom salt. Salt or witch hazel is essential because essential oils and water don’t mix. Then fill the rest of the bottle with water. Give it a good shake after you put the cap on the bottle.
Here is a recipe for a 4 oz. Rose Linen Spray if you prefer something more floral:
Using the same instructions as above, put 7 drops of rose essential oil with one tablespoon of witch hazel or a pinch of sea salt or Epsom salt. Then fill the rest up with water. Joanna recommends filtered or distilled water for this.
Will you try any of these Joanna approved recipes to make your home smell fresh? If you enjoyed this article, please SHARE with your friends and family who love making these kinds of recipes with essential oils!
If you are interested in watching a video with more simmer pot recipes, watch below: