And to think this wasn’t a Halloween stunt. On November 4th, Fred Flintstone, otherwise known as Don Swartz, was seen speeding in the Meadow Bedrock Pointe Subdivision in Wesley Chapel. What a coincidence since Bedrock is where Fred Flintstone lives! He was stopped by Pasco Sheriff’s Office law enforcement for speeding in a Smart car customized to look like a foot-powered car from the caveman era.
Pasco Sheriff’s Office shared a Facebook post documenting the encounter. They said that upon being issued a citation for speeding, the Flintstone look-alike became “unruly” and had to be detained. All jokingly, of course!
The full statement by Pasco Sheriff’s Office read:
On Sunday, November 4, Deputy H. Echevarria pulled over a Mr. Fred Flintstone (AKA Don Swartz) for speeding in the Meadow Bedrock Pointe Subdivision in Wesley Chapel.
Mr. Flintstone was issued a citation for speed and became unruly and had to be detained. After further investigation, Mr. Flintstone was issued a Notice To Appear and released.
Deputy Echevarria then seized the vehicle which is now part of the PSO fleet. This is what Intelligence-Led Policing looked like in the stone age.
A very special thank you to Mr. and Mrs. Don and Trina Swartz for being such great sports… Yabba Dabba Doo!
What are people saying about this story?
A lot of people are actually quite confused. The way this story is being covered in addition to the way the official law enforcement statement is worded, no one can tell what is real and what isn’t!
This commenter has no idea what to make of this story and what is true and what’s not. Let’s just all believe it for a second, it’ll make the story much funnier.
This person knows exactly what’s up and can read right through all of the media’s cover stories about the situation. Apparently, many news outlets are covering the story as 100% true, which it’s not!
Some people even commented to add on to the story of the original post. Some of these theories are pretty hilarious and incredibly detailed. We can’t stop laughing!
And, of course, what better way to end a mock arrest than with a photo-op in the car! This sheriff couldn’t pass this up.
What did you think about this story? Did you get a good laugh? Be sure to SHARE this article to give someone else a laugh today!