6. If you want respect, you have to give it
Treating everyone with respect seems like an elementary concept, but we often need a reminder. When the show first started, there was still segregation. At the time, black people were not often allowed to swim in the same pools as white people. Mr. Rogers had Officer Clemens, a regular on the show played by African-American actor Francois Scarborough Clemmons, put his feet in a kiddie pool with him. This was big in those times. Do you remember this scene?
7. Always help others
There is a famous Mr. Rogers quote that gets passed around in times of crisis. “When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping,’” said Mr. Rogers. It is a reminder to not only be a helper but to look for other helpers in times of need. He also often reminded audiences to remember a person who has really helped you and truly thank them for that.
8. Discuss the tough stuff
Mr. Roger’s show returned after a brief hiatus in the 1980s and he tackled issues that were tough for kids to discuss. Issues like divorce and death were hard for parents to talk to kids about, but Mr. Rogers helped to open up these lines of communication. He taught us to not be afraid to tackle these issues that you really need to discuss.
9. Build up other’s confidence
He always taught us to instill confidence in others instead of criticizing them for things they couldn’t change.
10. Accept mistakes
Everyone makes mistakes. Mr. Rogers taught us to expect and accept mistakes. Don’t be so hard on yourself and others.
We truly lost a gem when we lost Mr. Rogers in 2003. His life lessons still live on and will hopefully be taught for many years to come. Do you remember the theme song on the show? Check out the video below to relive those memories!
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